Thursday, August 10, 2006

past two days is themost boringest holiday i ever had! oh man i basically did nothing except watch tv, play computer, sleep and eat.

my nainai borrowed new hongkong serial vcd yay!:D i watched until episode 11. then my nainai want watch her show, so i let her. maybe i will continue at 8pm. muahas. the show is just damn nice. about forensics cid thingy. its actually called OCTB. i duno why also. but the department is called OCTB KOWLOON CITY :D hahah. the show is damn cool. so far they solved 3 cases. its like damn cool lah. would never have thought about it.

the funniest case was this guy, is a play boy. and he was killed cause earlier he fell down an escalator then got blood clot. but after that, he got whacked by 4 different woman. 3 of them is the girlfriend and 1 of them is the girlfriend mother. all at different time. lols the police find find, found 1 person. then find again, found another person. then find again, then found the third person. then find again, found the fourth person. in the end, the cause of his death was the escalator. the case is damn stupid. hahah but its damn funny lah. so many people linked to it.

they damn pro. they found SKELETONS at the sewage, think think think look at evidence, STILL CAN FIND THE CULPRIT! they are the best man. its just skeletons leh. wah lao lols.

i want be in the forensics department when i grow up. using all the chemicals so cool! then can solve cases and work with CID. but singapore forensics are so not cool?! hongkong and us are so much cooler lah. singapore no style one. saw the crime watch. not fascinating at all. its like so easy to find lah. hongkong one they think and think then go here go there and solve the case.

my mummy ask me when i want buy dress. she say go tonigh but no mood la -.- lols so maybe i take money from her and go shopping :D but like that like you know scared no money. go with her better got credit card. muaha! but she always not free one. maybe this weekend loh. its next week already leh aiya! dun feel like going. bleahh.

i dun want go school tomorrow. ugh wanna watch more vcd's :D heheh. i can spend my whole day watching man!!! if only i can do that everyday. hais school sucks la.


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